8 Days to 8,000 Fans – We Reached Our Goal!

8 Days to 8,000Wow. We started off our little Facebook initiative with right around 6,460 fans.

We thought we had a good chance at hitting 7,000 fans over the course of 7 days. We were blown away when we  reached that goal before the official start day for the event.

We added a day to the event timeline and decided to shoot for reaching 8,000 fans.

A hop over to our page today shows that we now have 9,620 fans!

For us, these are not just fans, not just a number. These are individuals that are helping spread the word about organ/tissue donation and using social media as a channel to help tell their personal stories and support for the issue. If you haven’t in awhile, hop over to the page link above and scroll down the posts and comments on our wall. It’s amazing to see just how many people organ/tissue donation touches.

Every fan is a messenger and it’s through the power of social networks that we can all help to continue to spread the word and encourage others to register!

Thank you all for your support and expect to see a similar, bigger effort in the near future!


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