Donate Life Illinois Launches New Transplant Community Network

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new Donate Life Illinois transplant community network!

Some of you may be familiar with Transplant Cafe and the great job Nelson Freytes has done pulling that site together. Similarly, Team Illinois has a site set up to connect Illinois athletes participating in the 2010 U.S. Transplant Games.

What’s the purpose of our new community site?

Similar to Nelson’s nationally-oriented site, we have created our Donate Life Illinois version to help provide a localized online space to connect members of the Illinois transplant community as well as general supporters of the issue.


You can click here to join the community. Once you’re signed up, be sure to read our New Member Guide. It is our hope and intention to use this site to provide a community that will help foster and build relationships between any Illinoisans personally touched by the issue.

What do I do on Donate Life Illinois’ transplant community network?

After you join, you can interact on the site in a number of ways.

*Be sure to make sure your profile (“My Page”) is complete and personalized and you have added a photo.

*Connect with others on the site by becoming friends.

*Write a blog post to share your personal story, share a link, etc.

*Start a discussion topic on a particular transplant issue, pose a question or suggest ideas for increasing donor outreach registration efforts.

*Add your own video or a link to a YouTube video on the issue.

*Add photos of yourself or others touched by the issue, at registration events or otherwise showing support for the issue.

*Add an upcoming donation related event.

*Start and join groups related to the issue.

*Chat with other members online.

*Last, but most important, be sure to spread the word and invite others to join!

We look forward to your feedback as we grow the community!

Happy connecting,


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