Team Illinois is Ready to Compete

July 30, 2010

After months of training, fund-raising and preparing for the journey, Team Illinois made it to Madison and is ready to collect medals. The National Kidney Foundation’s U.S. Transplant Games will officially kick off Saturday night with the opening ceremonies. According to our guest blogger and Team Illinois athlete Jen, the ceremonies are a moving experience “where you will truly see just how amazing the decision of donating life can be.” I’m sure the entire weekend will be nothing less than emotional as donor families, transplant recipients, living donors and their supporters and advocates gather to celebrate the life-saving gift of organ/tissue donation.

You can follow the Team and their experiences at the Games on Facebook.

Also, you can learn more about a few of the Team Illinois athletes from these recent articles:

Batavia Boy Heads to Games for Third Time

Sisters to compete at U.S. Transplant Games

A Second Chance at Life

Orland father and daughter prepare to dance at transplant games

Transplant Games – Video from WCIA News

Goooooo Team Illinois!


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Journey to the U.S. Transplant Games – Chapter 3

July 13, 2010

Let the countdown begin…just 17 days until the Games! It is hard to believe that they are almost here. For those of you that are attending the games for the first time, be ready for an incredible experience, one that you will never forget!

The opening ceremonies is where you will truly see just how amazing the decision of donating life can be. While you are walking in with your team, take a look around in the room. It will be filled with other recipients, donor families and friends from all over the US! As the week progresses, you will develop relationships and friendships with several people, which will continue even outside of the games. I met some of my closest friends, Rosie Rodriguez and Stephanie Wetzel, by traveling with team Illinois to the U.S. Games that were held in Pittsburgh, PA in 2008.

Not only have I met great people through my own team from Illinois, but I have also met some wonderful people from all over the United States. Being originally from Michigan, I have become close with several people from Team MI, including Holly Werlein and the Coleman brothers, Trev, Lon and Brandon, a donor family that travels around the U.S. promoting organ donation through competing in triathlons in honor of their brother Chase, who passed away in a car accident, but was an organ donor. I have met so many others that have become a significant part of my life because we share in some similar experiences of receiving the precious gift of life. Not only have I met some incredible people that play an important role in my life, but I have also learned so much from them and their experiences. I think we would all agree on the fact that after you receive the gift of life, you learn that life is all about LIVING and being thankful for every single breath you are given. As someone once told me, living doesn’t necessarily mean breathing…it means LIVING!!

Not only are transplant recipients given the opportunity to compete in the U.S. Games, but they can also compete in the world transplant games. I had the pleasure of traveling to Australia last summer with team USA to compete. There, I also was able to meet so many incredible people from all over the world and even from my own team, team USA. I have kept in touch with several teammates and am looking forward to seeing them travel with their own state to the U.S. Games in Madison.

I encourage you to follow the National Kidney Foundation of Illinois on Facebook for updates and news regarding the upcoming games!!!

Keep on training and working hard!!!


Making new friends at the 2008 Transplant Games

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Let the Countdown Begin!

July 7, 2010

22 days. 12 hours. 54 minutes…53 minutes…52 minutes. The start of the U.S. Transplant Games is upon us. Soon the more than 280 members of Team Illinois will travel to Madison, WI for the Olympic-style event that celebrates transplant recipients, living donors, donor families and supporters. Team IL has already received recognition for having the largest number of living donors out of all the participating teams. Kudos!

I haven’t attended before but from what I hear from past participants, the Games are inspiring, encouraging and incredible moving. Team IL athlete Jen is documenting her journey to the Games and will be sharing her experience in Madison here on the I am. Are you? blog.

You can also check out Steve Baum’s blog, another athlete sharing his journey to the Games.

The Northwest Herald recently profiled heart recipient and Team IL athlete Carissa Panek.

For all you need to know about Team IL and to follow the countdown clock, check out the Team’s website.

Best of luck to all participants! Go Team IL!

Photos from previous Games:

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Journey to the U.S. Transplant Games – Chapter 2

June 22, 2010

It’s hard to believe that the games are just 38 days away!!  This year, team Illinois will be traveling to Madison, WI, with the largest team ever, with more than 91 athletes competing to bring home the gold.  Athletic events that you can participate in include: the 5K road race, ballroom dancing, swimming, cycling, bowling, table tennis, racquetball, basketball, badminton, golf, tennis and volleyball.

Often, people that have overcome the challenge of having a transplant may be perceived as not being able to fully participate in activities they would have before their transplant; this is merely a myth.  Transplant recipients can go on to live long, healthy, active lives.  On September 15th of this year, I will be celebrating 12 years post transplant and I feel as though I’m stronger than ever!

This year, I will be competing in basketball and volleyball.  Currently, our basketball team has been practicing every two weeks with Coach Don Rowley, a two time cornea recipient who has received the gift of sight.  Don has many years of experience with coaching and we welcome him into our transplant family. Our volleyball team has also scheduled some practice time as well.

Athletic events are not the only activities that are present at the games.  The donor recognition ceremony is in honor of those that lost their lives but in the same sense, gave life to those that were in need of a transplant.  It gives us the opportunity to honor them as well as their families.   Other events include: the donor/living donor tribute, the games expo, the opening ceremony where the torch will be lit as a symbol that the games have begun as well as the closing ceremony where the Jerry Cound Outstanding Athlete awards, Team Cup and other recognition awards will be presented and flame of the Games cauldron will be extinguished.  You can also view the quilt pinning where donor family members are given the opportunity to share the meaning behind their quilt patch. You do not want to miss any of these events; each one very unique, yet all so very important to the topic of organ donor awareness.

Keep on training and working hard!!!!


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